Passy : Alpine town of the year 2022
In 2021, Passy joined the Alpine arc network, “Alpine Towns of the Year“, in order to benefit from the experience of 21 Alpine towns, from France to Slovenia, to promote its Alpine culture and to pursue its commitment to sustainable development. Passy is “Alpine Town of the Year 2022”. A year to accelerate the momentum, share projects, evaluate actions… A year to “live Passy” and share the key events with each of you and with the other Alpine Towns.
Passy, Town of the Alps, focuses its action on three major actions and on its flagship events, true reflections of our Alpine identity.
The Municipal Kitchen
The Frioland kitchen, which has been in municipal hands since the beginning of January, serves 900 meals to children and senior citizens with the aim of offering quality food by favouring local producers and short circuits. A catering committee for the children has been set up to involve them in the process.
Energy savings and air quality
How do we contribute to improving air quality and reducing energy consumption?
- The municipality, via the “Air Attitude” platform (ATMO Auvergne Rhône-Alpes) will communicate the gains obtained (in kWh, CO2 and fine particles) by the energy renovation work undertaken and the development of soft mobility. Participate by communicating your individual actions to collectively evaluate our actions in favour of air quality. The energy consumption of municipal buildings will be communicated to you. A reflection will be undertaken on the behaviours and good practices to optimise our energy performance.
Respect for natural areas through a quality tourism offer
- 8-10 July 2022, starting from the Plateau d’Assy, the Trail du Tour des Fiz will inaugurate a new edition closer to the Passerands. A beautiful eco-responsible event in the heart of our natural heritage.
- In Plaine Joux, the installation of a “4 seasons” chairlift in 2023. At the same time, the Pôle “Tourisme Montagne Inventive” of the University of Savoie Mont Blanc is mobilised to propose, from the Plateau d’Assy to Plaine Joux, a reasoned and creative tourist offer based on the respect for the environment and using soft mobility.
Des événements pour fédérer et partager
- From 5 to 7 August 2022, the Passy International Mountain Book Fair in the colours of the Alps. A collaboration between the Book Festivals of Passy, Brig (CH) and Trento (IT).
- From June to October 2022, “Climate Wednesdays” will be organised at the Parvis des Fiz to explain the history of the climate in the Mont Blanc region, its causes and its effects in order to better understand this very special period we are living through. The climate changes we are facing are at the heart of the environmental transition undertaken by the municipality of Passy: 3 conferences to inform, understand and debate, workshops of the “Fresque du Climat de Montagne”, to exchange on the stakes and share solutions to mitigate the impacts of our activity on the planet.
- A conference on International Road Transport (9 November, subject to confirmation) to take stock of the situation in the Alpine region, the problems encountered and the solutions to be found.
Schedule :
May 2022 :
- 21 May: Open Day for the municipal kitchen
- Opening of the space dedicated to Passy on the “Air Attitude” platform. Participate and together let’s evaluate our gains (Kwh, CO2, PM 10).
June 2022 :
- 22 June: “Climate Wednesdays“, at 7.30pm at the Parvis des Fiz. Let’s talk about the history of the climate and discover why we are living in such a special period. With Jean-Baptiste Bosson, researcher and glaciologist – Conservatoire d’espaces naturels Haute-Savoie (ASTERS) – International Union for Conservation of Nature.
July 2022 :
- 8-10 July: Tour des Fiz Trail from Plateau d’Assy – 13th edition
August 2022 :
- 5-7 August: Passy International Mountain Book Fair – 32nd edition on the theme of “the Alpine arc”
September 2022 :
- 21 September: “Climate Wednesdays“, at 7:30 pm at the Parvis des Fiz. The landscapes and resources of the Mont Blanc region under the test of climate with Ludovic Ravanel, geomorphologist, CNRS at the Edytem laboratory (University of Savoie)
October 2022 :
- 5 October: “Climate Wednesdays“, at 7.30 pm at the Parvis des Fiz. Agriculture and food, towards what changes in 2050? Round table with the participation of the Chamber of Agriculture, the SICA du Pays du Mont-Blanc and Adabio (association for the development of organic farming)
- 14 October: Festive evening for “A Year in the City of the Alps” at the Parvis des Fiz. Open to all on registration.
- 26 October: Climate and Mountain Fresco workshops, from 7 to 9 p.m. (registration required)
November 2022 :
- 9 November: Conference on International Road Transport (to be confirmed)
* The Alpine Town of the Year Association, which has 21 members throughout the Alpine region, was founded in 1997 and is based on the Alpine Convention of 1991. It supports its member towns in implementing the objectives of the Convention and promotes the exchange of information and experience between the “Alpine Towns”. Its main aim is to combine the sustainable development of the regions with measures to protect the Alpine environment.